Maternity & Babies

Maternity Sessions-

These sessions are so special! Sometimes they are literally once in a lifetime. Let's be real here: sometimes being pregnant is hard. And sometimes you aren't in the mood for photos- and I totally understand. Just like all of my sessions, I work hard to ensure you are comfortable the entire time. We go at your pace! Prior to your session we will pick a location that best fits your ideal vision for your session.

I recommend taking your photos around month 7-8. You can wait closer to your due date if you prefer, but on the off chance your baby decides to make an early appearnce - you may miss out. For these sessions, I recommend either package 2 or package 3: the deciding factors between the two will be location, and outfit choices.


Package 2 and 3 can be found on the "Let's Book" Page.

Newborn Sessions-

Hooray! Your baby is here! My style of newborn session is more of a lifestyle approach. A lot of cuddling, bundled in blankets, including pets and extended family, etc.

The baby is in charge of the session. I want to make sure the baby is as comfortable as possible. Because of that my sessions are unique.

I have one package, the time can range from 45 minutes to 2.5 hours. Some babies will fall asleep and let us pose them without a hitch, some on the other hand need to take breaks in between, whether it's for eating, changing, or just being held for a bit. And that is okay! That is why I block off the extra time. For newborn sessions, I come to you. We take the photos in the comfort of your own space. You are welcome and encouraged to use any special toys, blankets or accessories.


Newborn Sessions are $475

The Bundle!

You can absolutely bundle these two sessions to save some money! With the bundle- you will have a 45 minute maternity session, and a full standard newborn session.


Maternity&Newborn Bundle is $700

Ready to Book?

Once you are ready to book- check out the "Let's Book" page, and select "Newborn" as your session type. For date- you can put your estimated due date. I look forward to capturing this sweet time for you!